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Knative contribution guidelines
Learn how to join the community of Knative contributors.
Knative is designed for different personas:
Knative components offer developers Kubernetes-native APIs for deploying serverless-style functions, applications, and containers to an auto-scaling runtime.
To join the conversation, head over to the Knative users Google group.
Knative components are intended to be integrated into more polished products that cloud service providers or in-house teams in large enterprises can then operate.
Any enterprise or cloud provider can adopt Knative components into their own systems and pass the benefits along to their customers.
With a clear project scope, lightweight governance model, and clean lines of separation between pluggable components, the Knative project establishes an efficient contributor workflow.
Knative is a diverse, open, and inclusive community. Your own path to becoming a Knative contributor can begin in any of the following components:
Bug reports and friction logs from new developers are especially welcome.
Important. Before proceeding, please review the Knative community Code of Conduct.
If you any have questions or concerns, please contact the authors at knative-code-of-conduct@googlegroups.com.
Welcome to the Knative community!
This is the starting point for becoming a contributor - improving code, improving docs, giving talks, etc.
Other Documents
- Code of Conduct - all contributors must abide by the code of conduct
- Values - shared goals and values for the community
- Contributing to Knative - guidelines and advice on becoming a contributor
- Working Groups - describes our various working groups
- Working Group Processes - describes how working groups operate
- Steering Committee - describes our steering committee
- Technical Oversight Committee - describes our technical oversight committee
- Trademark Committee./TRADEMARK-COMMITTEE.md) - describes our trademark committee
- Community Roles - describes the roles individuals can assume within the Knative community
- Reviewing and Merging Pull Requests - how we manage pull requests
- Repository Guidelines - how we create and remove core repositories
Knative is a Kubernetes-based platform to deploy and manage modern serverless workloads. See the Knative documentation for in-depth information about using Knative.
Knative authors
Knative is an open source project with an active development community. The project was started by Google but has contributions from a growing number of industry-leading companies. For a current list of the authors, see Authors.
Authoring samples
Beyond the official documentation there are endless possibilities for combining tools, platforms, languages, and products. By submitting a tutorial you can share your experience and help others who are solving similar problems.
Community tutorials are stored in Markdown files under the community
Community Samples.
These documents are contributed, reviewed, and maintained by the community.
Submit a Pull Request to the community sample directory under the Knative
component folder that aligns with your document. For example, Knative Serving
samples are under the serving
folder. A reviewer will be assigned to review
your submission. They’ll work with you to ensure that your submission is clear,
correct, and meets the style guide, but it helps
if you follow it as you write your tutorial.
Meetings and work groups
Knative has public and recorded bi-weekly community meetings.
Each project has one or more working groups driving the project, and Knative has a single technical oversight committee monitoring the overall project.
How can I help
If you’re looking for something to do to get your feet wet working on Knative, look for GitHub issues marked with the Help Wanted label:
Even if there’s not an issue opened for it, we can always use more testing throughout the platform. Similarly, we can always use more docs, richer docs, insightful docs. Or maybe a cool blog post? And if you’re a web developer, we could use your help in spiffing up our public-facing web site.
Questions and issues
If you’re a developer, operator, or contributor trying to use Knative, the following resources are available for you:
- Knative Users
- Knative Developers
- Knative Slack. Ping @serving-help or @eventing-help if you run into issues using Knative Serving or Eventing.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.